

The purpose of the Magic Tree is three fold:

First and foremost it is a “senseless act of beauty”.  This idea, that there can be a senseless act of beauty is actually a misnomer for beauty all by itself has the supreme purpose of conveying the human/divine ideas of hope, goodness, peace and even love. Beauty has a way, when we recognize it, of paradoxically putting us at ease while at the same time exciting us. This paradox is known as the state of joy. This state of mind can have a powerfully healing affect on heart, mind and soul not to mention the body. Acts of beauty, then, are always quite sensible and have a resurrecting influence in our lives.

The second purpose of the Magic Tree follows quite naturally from the first and that is to elicit from the viewer a sense of their own natural goodness. Realize that what you perceive outside of yourself you have also within you. We spend far too much time seeing what is wrong with each other and the world. What we see outside of us we reinforce a perception of the same quality within us. It is of course important to acknowledge those things in the world that are not working and find creative solutions for them, but in order to be creative, rather than destructive, we also must acknowledge those things that do work. Doing so reinforces within us the ability and power to be a solution to problems in the world, in our relationships and within ourselves instead of a part of the problem. Beauty is a powerful ally, along with good natured humor, in confronting the woes of the world and empowering our sense of Self, our sense of worthiness and response-ableness. So the second purpose of the Magic Tree is to reflect back to you what you essentially already are, self-realized or not, a creatively healing being of hope, goodness, peace, and love.  Find this within yourself and make it manifest by sharing what you find is good.

The third purpose of the Magic Tree also follows naturally from the first two. The first point is beauty – a paradox of peace and excitement – Joy. The second point is that if you can see it outside of yourself then it is also within you – a natural goodness – love. The third purpose is to be a sign to you that that great Being of hope, goodness, healing, peace and love is emerging at this time. This One comes to us by right of our own readiness and development in these aspects of divine manifestation through the human form. It might seem to you that humanity is not yet ready but the development of divine aspects hidden within us are ready to emerge. This one who comes to catalyze our own emergence into goodness and joy is called The Teacher, Maitreya. Maitreya is the expected one of all the various religions and is also for those who hold to no religion. Maitreya is someone like us but who has gone on before us in His personal evolution to the point where He embodies divine aspects of goodness and love like no other on this planet to date. He comes to inspire the changes needed in the world to restore balance to the human to human relationships and the relationship of humanity to the other organs of the planet. We however are the ones who must do the work for we are creatures of free will and nothing is forced upon us.  Besides, doing so further develops our own abilities to represent the divine in the world and Maitreya would not take this opportunity from us.

I have no proof of Maitreya’s existence but only a deep sense of hope and a growing knowing that it is true. The prospect of His presence encourages me. How else, without the guidance of this Great Encourager and elder sibling of the human family, can we together work out the solutions to this time of turmoil that we find ourselves in?

The Magic Tree then is a beacon of healing and soothing beauty. It is a call to goodness, drawing out our own innate desire to be the positive changes we want to see in the world. And it is a notice of grace and encouragement to come from that magnificent manifestation of what we together are ready to receive, the Great Encourager, The World Teacher, Maitreya.

When the student is ready the teacher will appear. Who shall teach the student, humanity, but one who has been, in many forms and guises, one of us and with us from the beginning?

For more information please see the World Teacher page.

As far as this website is concerned it is my hope is to produce a magic tree of words so to speak, where the words may be seen as individual lights, the paragraphs as branches of those lights, the posts and pages still larger branches and the entire work as an ever growing tree. The words on the page are lights that have not been turned on until the reader provides themselves as an outlet for the ideas to be plugged into. If the reader will allow the energy that produces light in the mind to flow through them as they read the words then the magic begins and the tree of words lights up hopefully providing blessings according to the reader’s needs and desire.

May you be showered with blessings from all of your endeavors that concern the welfare of others.

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